What is Iftar during Ramadan?

During Ramadan, the Iftar meal is served at the end of the day to break the fast. It literally translates to "breakfast." During Ramadan, iftar is served at sunset to break the regular fast of Muslims. Suhoor is the other Ramadan meal, which is eaten first thing in the morning (pre-dawn).

The Importance

Fasting is one of the most important aspects of observing Ramadan, which is the Islamic calendar's ninth month and is devoted to fasting, abstinence, meditation, and service. In reality, fasting is one of Islam's five pillars. All Muslims are expected to fast from sunrise to sunset during the month (with the exception of exempt classes such as the very young, the elderly, and the sick).

Iftar, on the other hand, signals the end of each day's fast and is often used to celebrate and bring the group together. Iftar is also associated with Ramadan, which stresses a renewed commitment to generosity and charity. Providing food for others to break their fast is regarded as a vital part of observance; many Muslims around the world assist in the provision of iftar meals to the needy and in-need by charitable organisations.

The Dish

Dates and either water or a yoghurt drink are traditionally used to break the fast for Muslims. They pause for the Maghrib prayer after the formal breaking of the fast (one of the five daily prayers required of all Muslims). They then sit down to a full-course meal that includes soup, salad, appetisers, and main courses. In certain societies, the full-course meal is served later in the evening or early in the morning. The full-course meal is often postponed until later in the evening or even early in the morning in some cultures. Traditional foods differ by region, but all are halal, as they are for Muslims all year.

Iftar is primarily a social gathering between relatives and neighbours. People sometimes invite others to dinner or meet as a group for a potluck. People also invite and share food with others who are less fortunate. During Ramadan, the divine reward for charitable giving is thought to be particularly important.

Health Considerations

Muslims are advised not to overeat during iftar or at any other time during Ramadan for health reasons, as well as to obey other Ramadan health tips. Before fasting during Ramadan, a Muslim should always check with a doctor regarding the protection of fasting in his or her particular health situation. Always ensure that you get the nutrients, hydration, and rest that you need.

Muslims who are fasting during Ramadan are strongly advised to eat a filling, nutritious meal first thing in the morning - suhoor - in order to have the requisite energy and nutrients to get through the day's fast before iftar. Though some people skip suhoor (just like many people from all walks of life skip breakfast on occasion), this is discouraged because it makes it more difficult to complete the day's fast.

What is Iftar during Ramadan?  What is Iftar during Ramadan? Reviewed by User on April 17, 2021 Rating: 5

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